We worked on Tiger Achievements 3D and 4D in the meeting last night:
3D: Make a Food Guide Pyramid...we used the example shown (new) and glued pictures of food onto paper plates under the correct category (i.e. steak under protein, etc.). They worked together with their Tiger Partners and we had a cutting and gluing party! This earned them an orange bead for their Tiger Instant Recognition Totems.
4D: Play "Tell It Like It Isn't" also known as Telephone...another extremely funny activity. I lined the boys and their partners up in 3 teams and they all passed on the same message and then we saw who came closest to the original message. They got extremely funny! I then tied this into the Honesty Character Connection and we had a discussion on "gossip". This earned them an orange bead for their Totems.
Upcoming events:
- Raingutter Regatta---Oct. 1st, check-in is at 10 AM and races begin at 10:30. We will be in the parking lot at the church. Hot dogs will be sold for about $0.75 each. We will also have a mock campsite set up that you can peruse while your boys are between races...if you've never been camping this will give you some idea of what you will need for the camp out.
- Popcorn---still ongoing!
- Camp out---Fri, Oct. 14-Sun, Oct. 16th at Sullivant Retreat. Archery and First Aid will be offered, along with several other activities on Saturday. If you don't want to camp, please come out and join us on Saturday. If you camp over night, every adult spending the night MUST HAVE YOUTH PROTECTION!!! Cost: $10 for every person 1st grade and older, $5 for every child Kindergarten and younger, there's a cap at $30 per family (if you're total is more than $30, all it will cost you is $30! i.e. If you have a family of 5 people, aged 7+, then instead of $50 it would only cost you $30)
- Last day to sign up is Sept. 27th, payment due Oct. 4th. Check made out to Pack 777.
- Youth Protection----you can either go online to http://www.scouting.org/ and take it, or you can take it on Tues, Sept. 27th in the Tiger room at 6:40 PM. Remember this is required for any adult on a camp out and is good for 2 years.
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