Gathering: For our gathering I let the boys make stick puppets, they were gluing up a storm and their Tiger Partners got right in there to help!
Opening: the Pledge of Allegiance, can't start a Cub Scout meeting without the Pledge!
Search: We did introductions. I actually had a pretty good plan for this activity: each boy and his partner stood up, the boy introduced themselves and their partners to the group (we have a lot of parents named "Dad" and several named "Mom", but the boys did okay :-) and then the boy told everyone something he liked to do with his Partner. It was Great!!!
Discover: We learned the Scout Promise, the Law, the Motto, the sign, the salute, the secret meaning of "WEBELOS" and discussed Honesty. I saw a lot of glassy eyed boys, so hopefully the parents help them with that Promise!
Share: And of course we had a game. I have a talented Den Chief and he got right in there with the help of my Oldest son and they played a game while I shared Raingutter, Popcorn and Camping news and answered the Parent's questions.
Every boy there last night earned their Tiger Emblems (all 16 boys!!!) and we closed the meeting with the Cub Scout handshake.
And we passed out Raingutter boats...our Pack is doing the trimarans this year, I bet they're going to be fast!
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