Tomorrow morning is our Raingutter Regatta.
10 AM check-in and races begin at 10:30 AM in the Church parking lot. We race by den and the winner of each den goes on to the Pack Championship.
Hotdogs will be sold (about $0.75 each) and please check out the model campsite for ideas for the upcoming campout.
I hope you and your boat are ready for some fast racing fun!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Go-See-It (2G): Visit a Police Station

We have had a slight change in our plans for our October 11th Go-See-It. Originally, I had planned on taking a hike, but thanks to the efforts of one of our Tiger Parents, we have a tour of the Norman Police Department planned. We will need to meet at the police department at 6:15 PM on Tuesday, Oct. 11th. We will then take a tour of the police station. Due to the size of our Tiger den, only Tigers and 1 Tiger Partner can attend.
Thank you Kevin! Parents please sign up and take charge of one of the other Go-See-Its. Your help is appreciated and necessary for the boys to get the most out of the Tiger Program.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Den Meeting 9/20/11
We had a great den meeting last night. We've started working on Tiger badge activities after reviewing the Cub Scout Promise and Law. We had 3 boys earn their Bobcat badges last night by reciting the Promise to me: Nat, Torsten, and Hayden. AND their parents finished the Parent Requirement found in the front of the book. I'm looking forward to many more boys earning their Bobcat badges next week. Remember they have to recite the Promise to me by next den meeting in order to get their Bobcat badges at the Oct. Pack Meeting. If they don't get it in October, they will have to wait until the November Pack Meeting.

We worked on Tiger Achievements 3D and 4D in the meeting last night:
3D: Make a Food Guide Pyramid...we used the example shown (new) and glued pictures of food onto paper plates under the correct category (i.e. steak under protein, etc.). They worked together with their Tiger Partners and we had a cutting and gluing party! This earned them an orange bead for their Tiger Instant Recognition Totems.
4D: Play "Tell It Like It Isn't" also known as Telephone...another extremely funny activity. I lined the boys and their partners up in 3 teams and they all passed on the same message and then we saw who came closest to the original message. They got extremely funny! I then tied this into the Honesty Character Connection and we had a discussion on "gossip". This earned them an orange bead for their Totems.
Upcoming events:

We worked on Tiger Achievements 3D and 4D in the meeting last night:
3D: Make a Food Guide Pyramid...we used the example shown (new) and glued pictures of food onto paper plates under the correct category (i.e. steak under protein, etc.). They worked together with their Tiger Partners and we had a cutting and gluing party! This earned them an orange bead for their Tiger Instant Recognition Totems.
4D: Play "Tell It Like It Isn't" also known as Telephone...another extremely funny activity. I lined the boys and their partners up in 3 teams and they all passed on the same message and then we saw who came closest to the original message. They got extremely funny! I then tied this into the Honesty Character Connection and we had a discussion on "gossip". This earned them an orange bead for their Totems.
Upcoming events:
- Raingutter Regatta---Oct. 1st, check-in is at 10 AM and races begin at 10:30. We will be in the parking lot at the church. Hot dogs will be sold for about $0.75 each. We will also have a mock campsite set up that you can peruse while your boys are between races...if you've never been camping this will give you some idea of what you will need for the camp out.
- Popcorn---still ongoing!
- Camp out---Fri, Oct. 14-Sun, Oct. 16th at Sullivant Retreat. Archery and First Aid will be offered, along with several other activities on Saturday. If you don't want to camp, please come out and join us on Saturday. If you camp over night, every adult spending the night MUST HAVE YOUTH PROTECTION!!! Cost: $10 for every person 1st grade and older, $5 for every child Kindergarten and younger, there's a cap at $30 per family (if you're total is more than $30, all it will cost you is $30! i.e. If you have a family of 5 people, aged 7+, then instead of $50 it would only cost you $30)
- Last day to sign up is Sept. 27th, payment due Oct. 4th. Check made out to Pack 777.
- Youth Protection----you can either go online to and take it, or you can take it on Tues, Sept. 27th in the Tiger room at 6:40 PM. Remember this is required for any adult on a camp out and is good for 2 years.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
1st Tiger Den Mtg.

Gathering: For our gathering I let the boys make stick puppets, they were gluing up a storm and their Tiger Partners got right in there to help!
Opening: the Pledge of Allegiance, can't start a Cub Scout meeting without the Pledge!
Search: We did introductions. I actually had a pretty good plan for this activity: each boy and his partner stood up, the boy introduced themselves and their partners to the group (we have a lot of parents named "Dad" and several named "Mom", but the boys did okay :-) and then the boy told everyone something he liked to do with his Partner. It was Great!!!
Discover: We learned the Scout Promise, the Law, the Motto, the sign, the salute, the secret meaning of "WEBELOS" and discussed Honesty. I saw a lot of glassy eyed boys, so hopefully the parents help them with that Promise!
Share: And of course we had a game. I have a talented Den Chief and he got right in there with the help of my Oldest son and they played a game while I shared Raingutter, Popcorn and Camping news and answered the Parent's questions.
Every boy there last night earned their Tiger Emblems (all 16 boys!!!) and we closed the meeting with the Cub Scout handshake.
And we passed out Raingutter boats...our Pack is doing the trimarans this year, I bet they're going to be fast!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Bobcat Badge

The 1st badge we earn as Cub Scouts (and all Tigers are new Scouts) is the Bobcat badge. Here are the requirements:
1) Learn and Say the Cub Scout Promise and complete the Character Connection for Honesty:
I, (your name), promise to do my best
To do my duty to God and my country,
To help other people, and
To obey the Law of the Pack
2) Say the Law of the Pack and Tell what it means:
The Cub Scout follows Akela.
The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
The Cub Scout gives goodwill.
3) Tell what Webelos means.
WE'll BE LOyal Scouts
4) Show the Cub Scout sign and tell what it means
5) Show the Cub Scout handshake and tell what it means
6) Say the Cub Scout motto.
7) Give the Cub Scout salute and tell what it means.
8) With your adult partner, complete "A Bobcat Requirement" in front of the Contents pages of the Tiger scout book.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The 1st Post
My name is Jane and this is my 1st post on my Cub Scout Pack 777 blog...which will be used to cover all the happenings in my Pack and my Tiger Den. It will include pictures (but no names :-), projects, ideas to do at home, upcoming events, etc.
I've been a member of this pack for 7 years (back when my Boy Scout joined as a Tiger), but I've only been a leader for 5 years. The last 2 years I haven't been in a den, but I have been the Advancement Chair and this has kept me in the pack, interacting with the Leaders and the boys, but now my Youngest son is a Tiger and I'm excited for this new year to begin.
We had our Recruitment night, 2 weeks ago at the School District's Back-to-School night, we then had our Pack Orientation night (for the new boys and their parents, that explained who we are and what we do), and last week was our 1st Pack Meeting...a Knight theme! Looking forward to actually starting our 1st Den meeting this week. Yippee!
I've been a member of this pack for 7 years (back when my Boy Scout joined as a Tiger), but I've only been a leader for 5 years. The last 2 years I haven't been in a den, but I have been the Advancement Chair and this has kept me in the pack, interacting with the Leaders and the boys, but now my Youngest son is a Tiger and I'm excited for this new year to begin.
We had our Recruitment night, 2 weeks ago at the School District's Back-to-School night, we then had our Pack Orientation night (for the new boys and their parents, that explained who we are and what we do), and last week was our 1st Pack Meeting...a Knight theme! Looking forward to actually starting our 1st Den meeting this week. Yippee!
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