Our Pack goes camping twice a year, in the spring and in the fall, and we always go with Troop 777. The theme for this campout was the Wild West, with the Troop Patrols being Posses, and the Cub Dens called Gangs. The Tiger den decided were going to be....THE SHARPSHOOTER GANG!!!
Probably our favorite activity at camp was the fishing!
Everyone caught a fish and some of the boys caught several. They were all tiny little perch, but the boy's did not care and even the parent's got in on the action! We even spent an extra hour at the pond, and had to drag the boys back to the campsite for lunch! And they all earned their fishing belt loops.
Tug of war was another favorite. Again even some of the parents got involved! :-)
What is more exciting then seeing friendships made? This was probably one of the best campouts that I've ever been on. Of course I wore out long before the boys did and so I did not take any pictures of the orienteering course, or the gold loot they found on that course. I didn't get any pictures of the monkey bridge that the boys started out leary of, but at the end of the day we couldn't get them off of and back to camp for supper. And then there was the AWESOME campfire, that was the best campfire I've ever been too! The skits were all awesome, the songs were awesome, everything about the campfire was AWESOME!