Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fall Family Campout 2012

Our Fall Family Campout this year was AWESOME!  So many fun things to do!  But the journey to get here was long and arduous.  First we couldn't find a spot to camp!  That was fall break weekend and every Pack and Troop in the state were out camping.  We love Sportsman's Lake in Seminole but it was booked by another nearby Council for a Cub-o-ree.  Well we looked and looked and eventually ended up asking this other council if we could share the Lake and of course their boys were always welcome to join in our activities.  This other council (can't think of their name or I would thank them) graciously agreed to have us at their Cub-o-ree, so their Indian theme and our Mission to Mars theme meshed.  They brought activities like archery, BB shooting, sling shots and para-cord bracelets, we brought water rockets, marshmallow launchers, Mars rock scavenger hunt and the radio isotope game.  We also enjoyed activities like hiking and fishing.  It was AWESOME!

Here we're trying the para-cord bracelets:

 Sling shots:

 Water Rocket Hill:

                                                          Rocket Launchers:
 The view from my tent!

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome campout.  We've had 2 awesome campouts this year...can't wait for the Spring Campout!

Raingutter Regatta 2012

We held our Raingutter Regatta back at the end of September.  Probably on the only day the whole month that it rained!  We had a huge turnout with 15 Wolf boys in attendence!  Mr. K is giving the boys blowing pointers in the first couple of pictures.  Unfortunately I was judging the races themselves and didn't get any good pictures except when my son was racing, since I couldn't judge those races.  The boys did a fantastic job and Alan won for our den.  He placed 4th at the Pack level.  After the races, some of the boys were even racing their boats in the rain puddles :-)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Pack Olympics

In August we had our Pack Olympics.
We had so much fun. 
Our Parade of Athletes

                                                                   Lighting the Torch!

                                              Our Champions---Cookie Medals for everyone!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Pack goes Swimming!

Last night our Pack went swimming at the local pool and it was FUN!  We had 5 Wolf boys and their families show up and we had a lot of fun.  Thank you for joining us in the middle of summer!  Unfortunately I don't have any pictures to share, because I was in the pool too! 

Our next event is our Pack Olympics on August 14th.  Please plan on joining us!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day Camp---Part 4 (Misc.)

Day Camp included more activities than the shooting sports, swimming and juice box racers...these are some of the other things we did...

 Teamwork Games
 Water Rockets

 Free time...also known as Ketchup!

 The Who Knew? station took us forward and back in time...depending on where I time machine was each day.

Here the boys are predicting what we will see in the future.  This went in the time capsule on Friday night and we when they open it in 25 years, we will see if their predicitons come true.

 Everyday after lunch we had guests come and speak to us about different subjects such as Leave No Trace, Animal Track Identification, and our 2 favorites...Reptiles (see above) and the Wild West Cowboy (right) from the Oklahoma Historical Society.  They were great and the boys all got to pet the snakes...I was far, far away until I needed to take pictures. 

Our Wild West Cowboy had great stories about his life as a cowboy in Texas and his life on the cattle drives up through "Indian Territory" into Kansas.  We learned that they had whistle-fruit (beans), coffee and biscuits for almost every meal.  We also learned that they rode ranch horses so they couldn't take off in the middle of the cattle drive.

We learned that it was a hard life, but a good paying one for young men coming home from war.

 Belt loops---we earned Good Manners, Geography, and Map & Compass here and Steve and his minions were AWESOME!
Thursday saw thunder and lightning and drizzle.  The boys loved breaking out their rain-gear!

 They didn't like the fact that it was thundering and therefore NO POOL TIME!  Instead we learned how to rescue each other without getting into the water.  The pool staff was great and very patient.

 Of course the rain didn't really come down until lunch time!  We hunkered down under our ponchos and ate our lunches in the was fun :-) 

 Marbles in the dirt!  Another fun day at the belt loop station...we didn't earn the belt loop, but we will be able to teach the Wolf den how to play marbles this winter when we all might earn the belt loop.

These are the last pictures I have of day camp.  It was fun and they had a lot of fun activities...we're looking forward to next year!